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  • Posted by: admin-user

We are thrilled to announce the commencement of this project. Muthangira Utugi Self Help Group, an established entity registered with the Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Development since December 2016. Currently, the group consists of 17 members, predominantly female (14 females and 3 males), engaged in subsistence farming and other livelihood activities like table banking and poultry keeping.

The group seeks to collectively venture into beekeeping to supplement their income and enhance pollination. The project is deemed to adopt the foundation approach of supporting a project for one year. During this time, the group will be taken through a series of build-up training sessions.

Other targets include; overcoming bee phobia, ensuring proficiency in hive management, promoting competence in apiary maintenance and honey processing among the group members. Additionally, the project will aim to have at least five members capable of mentoring others. These achievements are anticipated to significantly impact the members; and their family’s welfare, fostering income diversification for education, home enhancements, livestock investment, and improved nutrition.

Furthermore, participation in hive product production and sales will empower members and equip them with versatile skills, while enhancing crop pollination contributes to food security.

What does the project seek to achieve?

  1. Train members of the group to be a beekeeper for the first time
  2. Train members of the group to be more advanced
  3. Train members of the group to be future trainers
  4. Develop the group’s business and/or marketing skills
  5. Train the group in production of added value products
  6. Build the group’s organizational capacity
  7. Manufacture hives and other beekeeping equipment
  8. Build the group’s skills on specific issues (e.g., pest and disease identification) for those in the ‘train the Trainer’ group

Author: admin-user

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