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About Bees 4 Kenya

Who we are

Bees 4 Kenya is an initiative of the Bees Abroad UK (BA UK) in partnership with the Centre for Research and Advocacy in Human Rights (CERA).

Bees Abroad (BA) is a charity registered in UK.and working in Kenya since 2005.The main aim of BA  intervention  has been to maximize the full economic potential of bees by Increasing the productive capacity of the beekeepers.

CERA is a non for profit organization registered in Kenya in 2008 as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) for the promotion of economic social and cultural rights of the marginalized and disadvantage members of the society.

CERA and BA have worked in partnership since 2013 when they jointly implemented a three years Bees Products Enterprise Development (BPED) Project CERA and BA continue working together to achieve the internationally agreed Sustainable Development Goal 1 on ending poverty.

Here are projects jointly implemented:


Why Beekeeping

The potential of beekeeping to mitigate economic hardship cannot be overemphasized. Beekeeping can be said to significantly contribute to a reduction in household poverty if well managed. It not only adds towards increasing the household income but also promotes diversification of household nutritional, beauty and medicinal products for household use and sale on their market stalls.



We do understand that training can lead to greatly improved harvests of honey and beeswax. There are many ways to assist honey hunters or beekeepers to build on their resources to create more income by harvesting and processing honey more skilfully, and to obtain better prices by saving and selling beeswax and by making secondary products.


Our Vision and Mission


Economically empowered and Food Secure Households through Beekeeping


To raise the awareness of the benefits of beekeeping as a viable sustainable small business for income generation.

Economic empowerment through bee-keeping

Beekeeping is one of the major livelihood activities in not only in Kenya but also in East Africa at large, providing income and other benefits like food, nutrition and medicine.

Bees4kenya has played a key role in promoting sustainable beekeeping in  Kenya by organizing groups of beekeepers and providing business training and consulting. We have availed and adopted appropriate technologies to increase honey productivity, develop new products and strengthen beekeeping organizations, aiming to have a country-wide impact.

We are true to ourselves, and commit to always perform at our best.

Frequently asked questions

Our key business is bee keeping training and management. We engage in the following activities:

Hive building.
Apiary siting.
Honey processing, Adding value to hive products – honey, beeswax and propolis to generate income.
Hive products packaging and standardisation.

Improving organisational skills for business, market and supply chain development,Raising awareness on environmental value of bees for crop pollination and improved yields as well as mitigating some effects of climate change

Bees4Kenya will need to learn about the proposed project by completing the on-line form giving as much detail as possible and return it to: or make initial contact Bees4Kenya through Further help can be sought from the local government or the National Beekeeping Station for beekeeping courses

No. There are many other bees and other types of insect that are important for pollinating our orchards and crops and wild flowers. These include bumble bees and solitary bees, but hoverflies, wasps and butterflies are also pollinators, and other creatures, such as humming birds and bats may pollinate certain plants.

Many families of plants are good for bees. Unfortunately many highly bred varieties of plants grown for their attractive appearance may be useless for bees, producing neither pollen nor nectar. Garden centres often feature labels indicating good bee plants, but simply observing which flowers are attracting bees is a good guide. Because climatic conditions and soil types vary from place to place, there can be no definitive list of suitable plants, and gardeners have to do a certain amount of trial and error.


Bees are vital for the preservation of ecological balance and biodiversity in nature.