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Beekeeping Training and Extension

Good beekeeping practices and bio-security measures in beekeeping are useful tools that the beekeeper can adopt in the apiary to guarantee the health of bees, humans (e.g. consumers) and the environment.

Trainers certification by British Beekeppers Association on Modern African Beekeeping


Good beekeeping practices (GBPs) are those integrative activities that beekeepers apply to obtain optimal health for humans, honeybees and the environment. Therefore, the implemen- tation of GBPs would have a positive effect on colony health and society, and at the same time could favour high produc- tion standards. Such practices are general measures valid for beekeeping activities and are globally accepted. They are not disease-specific and are meant to be implemented by bee- keepers in primary production of hive products. They are a tool for beekeepers to successfully address the challenges they face in day-to-day apiary management.

We are trained and thoroughly equipped to offer beekeping training and consultancy services.

For optimal production, every beekeeper should undertake training on good beekeeping practices for a healthier and more successful apiary. Attend training programmes on beekeeping and honeybee diseases to learn how to identify, prevent and control the disease.